It’s St Mungo’s Day and all throughout the former lands of the Kingdom of Strathclyde church bells are ringing, choirs are singing and bakers are selling the traditional Mungo cake shaped like a bird .[1] Down in the Clyde valley the sound of festivity has begun while even up in the moors the ghosts of the Covenantors can be heard wishing each other a Happy Completely Ordinary Saturday Day. OK, St Mungo’s Day isn’t really a thing, though it should be said Glasgow Churches Together do run a fun St Mungo’s Festival in partnership Glasgow Life and the City Council. But when you name your blog the Alt Clud Review of Books it almost feels wrong not to do something on the feast day of Alt Clud’s patron saint, though what exactly "to do" is an interesting question. St Mungo and a Teeny-Tiny Jesus I guess this is a good opportunity to say what’s the point of my recent blog rebrand and more regular updates. Well the later point is the easiest to explain. Basically I have a numb...
History, Book Reviews, Politics and Other Writings from the Kingdom of the Strathclyde